Thursday, April 16, 2015

Family Government

Everybody knows that the parents are the people who pay for the house and everything that goes along with it so therefore they can make the rules to abide by while you’re living there. Parents are what make up the family government. They create the laws and sanctions of the household. They are the hierarchy. The children are the people who don’t really have a say on what goes in the household. That’s exactly the way it should be.

Although…. When teenagers become more of an adult they have a say in what happens in their life. But, if they are still living under the parent’s house, they still have to abide by the rules that are given there because it is not their property. So unless the child is around the ages of 18+ then they are under parental authority.

The family is its own government because the state cannot invade. The state didn’t create the family right? Right. And, the state is not responsible for the children right? Right again. So for those reasons and many more I completely agree that families should automatically be considered as their own government.

Parents can tell children (unless they are 18+) what is right or wrong. Those are sanctions. I agree that they can be able to do that. Parents are trying to form their child into a successful being that will be able to stride through life instead of stumble through it. They are doing it for good reasons. Children don’t exactly want to be told what they can and cannot do but the parents rather train them now instead of later where they can only give recommendations because the children are officially adults. That’s when they are legally capable of making up their own minds.

So basically, the family is like a pack of dogs. That sounds weird but it’s true. They all stay together and have rules that everybody has to abide by for the household to come together peacefully. Just like a pack, there’s one leader (in some cases there are two for the parents) and all the other dogs follow along with the leader. I think families support each other amazingly and without rules, some children wouldn’t know what to do in life because parents teach you life lessons that you’ll need forever.

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