Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is a man that everybody knew of and is still famously remembered to this day. You might even be holding one of his creations in your hands right now. He was the man that started the technology of the company named Apple. He was always a fan of technology and electronics. He hit a few bumps in his path sometimes throughout his journey but he ended up being very successful.

As an infant he was adopted by a couple named Clara and Paul Jobs. When he got older he even spent time with his father in the garage working on electronics because it was very fascinating to him. But, Steve stumbled a little bit through schooling when he was younger. Even though he was in that situation he tested very well and the teachers actually offered to skip him to high school. That seemed like a great offer, but Steve’s parents said no.

Fast forwarding to when he was around his 30’s he became partners with a man named Steve Wozniak. They were the two people that got the company Apple started. Although, back then computers and what not were not as extraordinary as they are now. The first computers were very bulky and twice the size of the laptop computers we have today. The first computer that Steve and his partner created was called the Apple 1. This was not as successful as the next creations they made in the future. It didn’t really sell that well as they planned. As soon as they made another Apple product it slowly started to grow.

One of the bumps in Job’s path was that he actually got removed from his OWN Company that HE made.  Later on though, he ended up buying an animation company that is widely known today. That animation company is Pixar Animation Studios. Even though he was away from his Apple Co. for a while he later came back into the position of CEO.

Unfortunately, when he was 56 years old he died from pancreatic cancer on October 5th 2011. He is remembered as one of the most successful men to this day. I have always loved Apple products and I thought it would be interesting to learn a little bit of who started it and what not. So if you own an Apple product then thank this man for starting this amazing company that he created just beginning it from his garage.

Back Then:

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Wreck This Journal: Hiding a Nice Note!

Hey there everyone! Here I am bringing you another post for my Wreck This Journal series! So let's hop right into it:

This first page was pretty fun! I actually did it with my godmother and she has a blog too! So Click Here to check out her awesome posts! But we saw that it was snowing out and so that was the perfect time to do this page! It's says, "draw something's here with a pen. Go out in the rain or snow. Let it get wet. So since it was really cold out we opened up a window and I held the journal out in the snow for it to get wet! My godmother actually thought of a creative idea by putting some color on the page with an ink pad and that's why there's a little tint of blue on the paper. Overall it was pretty fun!

This next page kind of looks a little crazy! This is what 1 day of driving looks like while drawing lines with a pen. It was super fun! I just took a pen and kind of let it do it's own thing and not really put too much control into it. Which ever way we turned I just let the pen turn on the paper and I just kept drawing lines throughout traveling in motion. 

I did this page pretty quickly. It says, "while waiting for something (food, a plane, your friend to arrive), write a list of everything you can see". Where do you think I was when I wrote this list? Comment below this post and guess! 

This last page was my favorite to do! It says, "hide this page in someone's pocket or bag with a note". Since I was going to see my godmother that weekend I decided to write a note for her on the paper and hide it somewhere in her bag. This was kind of hard because we are with each other all the time when we are together but I was able to do it successfully. I hope she likes her note!

Those are all the pages that I have recently completed so far! See you next time with more Wreck This Journal pages!

Friday, March 13, 2015

The Theme in Treasure Island

At first, it was kind of difficult for me to find the theme for the book Treasure Island. When I got further into the story it slowly became easier for me to realize what I thought the author was trying to portray. Originally what I thought when I knew I was going to read the book is that it’s just going to be about pirates looking for treasure. To me I thought there was more to the story than that. Yes, it is about this crew of pirates that go out to sea to find this mysterious island that supposedly holds treasure. But, throughout the book there are allies that are made and people also go against each other. They only come to find the treasure at the very end of the story so that’s not the only thing that the book focuses on.

The main character is Jim Hawkins and he basically got along with everybody on the ship. But, there was one specific night that actually made the whole book come together and made everything happen. He decided to go to the barrel to get an apple. Then there were people coming around and he decided to hide in the barrel and that led to him eavesdropping on conversations that he wasn’t meant to hear. It turns out one of the men named Long John Silver was planning a plot against some of the other shipmates including Jim. John was going to kill people on the ship! That was surprising news to some but then not to others because when Jim went to tell the people that were on his side what he heard, they knew that that man was suspicious from the very beginning.

So knowing that information, the people that were with Jim were trying to plan out what they were going to do put plans never really worked in this story. Chaos, of course, broke loose and both sides were scattered around the island. I thought this showed that some people are two-faced. Long John Silver acted like everybody was his friend and nothing was wrong. But, that sounded much different when Jim was in that barrel hearing his conversation. This type of thing happens throughout the story but there are a lot of plot twists. It turns out later on in the book Jim finds a stranger on the island that did not come from their ship. His name was Ben Gunn and even though he wasn’t in most of the book, he is a crucial character for the outcome at the conclusion. Unfortunately, he has been stranded on this island for quite a while. But, that soon changes when the book comes to a close.

Even though in the beginning of their voyage John was acting two-faced, that sort of changes when Jim Hawkins bumps into him and his crew on the island. He didn’t seem as naïve has he was before but Jim still got held captive. What I thought was surprising is that he didn’t kill Jim even though he was planning on it in the beginning. That showed that his character changed slightly.

Throughout this book I kept thinking about the theme and what specifically the author was trying to portray. I finally came to the conclusion that I thought the author was trying to say something along the lines of, “be careful of who you trust”. Because that’s all I thought was happening throughout the book. Lots of allies, changing sides, and two-faced people. John changed sides and decided to take go along with Jim and his crew.

Ben Gunn at first didn’t seem like a character that had a big impact on the story until I got to when they almost found the treasure. I say almost because they found the spot where the treasure WAS. It turns out that Ben Gunn already found the treasure and when he did, he took it to his cave on the island. If he wasn’t a part of the story it would have been much easier for them to find the treasure and that’s why he made a big impact on the book.

Even though the author portrayed being careful of who you trust Long John Silver (I thought) changed throughout the book. Instead of being a bloodthirsty pirate (from the beginning), he later became less naïve and switched sides to go with Jim Hawkins. I thought this showed that some people can change but only if they themselves want to. Jim couldn’t change John. No other character could have changed John because you can’t change other people. They can only change themselves. That goes for our lives as well. People will only change if THEY make it appoint to change.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence was made for the colonists to gain freedom from Great Britain. Britain, throughout the journey of establishing the colonies made it very hard for them to grow and make their own decisions and that completely changed when this document was made. It took years for the Declaration to be written up and when it did get written, it only took a few weeks to finish.

The Declaration of Independence is organized in parts. There’s The Preamble, The Body, and The Conclusion. They all contain certain information about the document. The first part of the Declaration (The Preamble) explains what the document is trying to get across. It’s kind of like an introduction that’s in books. The Body of the Declaration explains what problems they have with the King of Britain. Now notice how they don’t mention Parliament even though Parliament had a big impact in a lot of their problems. The last part of the document doesn’t contain any information about the Declaration though. It contains all of the signatures of the delegates that helped create the Declaration of Independence. Some are very famous like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, etc. There were a lot of people that signed this document but some are not as famous as others but they still had an impact on history.

You’re familiar with the famous holiday the 4th of July. That was actually not the official date that the Declaration was officially passed. It was passed by the Continental Congress on July 2nd 1776. So I guess you can say it should be the 2nd of July for that holiday if you get technical. On July 4th is when they made the document public. But to this day the 4th of July is a day for remembrance of the colonies getting their independence. Hence, it also being known as Independence Day.

There were a lot of founding fathers that had a big impact on the Declaration of Independence. Like Thomas Jefferson, who actually wrote the original draft of the document. There was a committee that helped write the Declaration and John Adams was a part of that group. So there are many reasons why all of these famous men wrote their signature on the bottom of the document because they all had a great impact on what the Declaration was going to be about to make it something that was very useful to the colonists.

Benjamin Franklin is one of the founding fathers that everybody knows and is very famous in a lot of different areas because he did so much. He was a scientist, inventor, politician, printer, author, and so much more that he probably had no free time because he was so busy doing all of these jobs. Benjamin is actually one of the founding fathers that did not become a president. Even though he was not president, he still became successful in many areas of his life and had a great impact on history to this day.

Thomas Jefferson was another man that was not just a politician. Even though he didn’t do as much jobs as Benjamin Franklin, he still had a lot to do. He taught himself Architecture only because he wanted to design his own home. Jefferson also practiced Law. So a lot of people look at the founding fathers (and other politicians) as JUST politicians. But that is definitely not the case with many of these men. They couldn’t just jump into being a president right away. Just like now you can’t just jump onto the ballot and get voted as President of the United States. Just like everybody else in this world they had to work their way up to success.

But, many of these people had a very good reason to sign that document and without them, the Declaration of Independence would have never been made and that would have changed history, and present day completely.