Thursday, May 14, 2015

Is Online Education Bad for Society?

"Online education is bad for society because it puts classroom teachers out of work." That is completely untrue. I do online education and there are a lot of people hired to complete my curriculum that I follow.  Without them there would be no lessons, and the website wouldn’t have been set up in the first place. Even with online education there are lots of jobs available for people.

So basically, that statement is a myth. I mean yes, there will no longer be jobs for people teaching in a classroom if everyone switched to online. But that can open up different jobs, not remove any. That goes for any jobs that change to machinery and what not. There’s always jobs that have to be done even with all the technology we have.

Bad for society? I think its way better than the system we have now. Maybe some of those teachers could work from home for the online education! I don’t think they’ll mind not driving. I think online education is great for the kids too. There are some kids that need a teacher right there in front of them but I think a majority would get a great experience.

To be honest, I don’t see any cons. Jobs don’t get removed, new ones just turn up. It’s a great experience for the kids, and the teachers might be able to work from home while still having somewhat the same type of job. What do you think?

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