Thursday, March 6, 2014

Artsy Picture of The Week: Water Bottle Flower Painting!

I think this idea is great if you haven't mastered painting flowers on your own yet. The supplies that you would need are simply:
  • A Water Bottle (the size depends on how big you want your flower to be)
  • Acrylic Paint (any color)
  • Paper Plate 
  • Cardstock Paper or Canvas (I say cardstock paper rather than regular paper because cardstock paper is a bit thicker and you want a pretty thick surface for all that paint to go on)
  • Paintbrush (optional)
First thing that you want to do is pour your paint down on your paper plate and you want a pretty good amount on there so you get the whole bottom of your bottle covered (the amount that is in the picture is pretty good). After you have your paint poured out you want your water bottle and the surface that you are putting your flowers on ready. You will take your water bottle and dip the bottom of it in your paint (dip it enough so the bottom of your water bottle is fully covered).
Then here comes the fun part! You can press your water bottle lightly on your surface to create a beautiful flower!
Another option that you can do before you make your flowers is to take a paintbrush and make some strokes along your surface to create a tree like shape. As you can see that step was taken in the photo above.
I hope this gave you a great idea to painting beautiful flowers! Thank you for reading!

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