Tuesday, October 27, 2015

America in the 1950's

The 1950’s had a lot going on at the time but the developments of culture and technology is what interested me when I was learning about this topic. I think it’s interesting to learn what had an impact on the future which is today. The Korean War was happening during this time and if you learn about that, you realize the reasoning behind why Korea is the way it is now. That’s one of my favorite parts. Linking what I learn in history to how our world is today.

Dwight Eisenhower was president during this time and is considered to this day among the top ten presidents of the United States. He definitely did a lot for this country. He didn’t get into politics right away. He started out as a general. A great general who actually became a five star general. A five star general is basically just a rank that a handful of people got that was higher than all the other general’s ranks. Only nine people got that rank. No one gets that rank anymore to this day. But, when he was president later on, he served two terms. I agree that he did a lot of positive good things during his presidency. He helped out with the segregation problems in the schools. That type of color barrier was a big problem during the 50’s. He was also one of the people who founded NASA. That’s a very popular organization to this day. Without him, we wouldn’t have had that. Maybe something similar, but not that specifically. History definitely effects what we have today.

Unlike the time of the Great Depression, the economy started to get much better and it was becoming a better environment in America. Also there was one movement that was very important during this time. That was the civil rights movement. African Americans did not have that many rights. But slowly, that started to change. But, they were segregated in schools, and many other places. It kind of sounds silly thinking about that type of living. Separating people just because of their skin color? That’s ridiculous but that was how they thought back then. But, in the 50’s that’s when things started to slowly change up until today where everyone has the same amount of rights. There was one man that started to create more awareness for this issue. Jack Robinson is that man. He was a Major League baseball player. He was not only that, he was the first African American man to play in the Major Leagues. People of that color were also segregated in sports. They had specific teams that they could join. But, Robinson was the man that sparked a change in this part of American culture. He became so successful in his career and he couldn’t have done that without having perseverance and breaking through society’s rules.

There were other developments in America during the 50’s like televisions. TV’s were getting very popular during this time as well as the shows that were played on it. There’s actually one show that played during this time that I like to watch today! I Love Lucy is that show. It was very popular in the 50’s. In fact, some businesses would let their employees off of work a little earlier so that they could get home and watch their favorite show that was playing. There was no DVR where you can record your shows and watch them later. You either made it to your television to watch your show, or not get to watch it at all. I personally like some of the older shows better than some of the ones that we have today. I just think the comedy in them is the best. Of course, they didn’t have all the special effects and elaborate sets that we have for our shows today, but that wasn’t needed. The shows had amazing actors. If you have great actors, then you can make the show the best. I Love Lucy is actually in black and white. I couldn’t see that show in color. I think it’s perfect in black and white. But, during this time color photography started to get much more popular. If you look back in pictures in the 50’s, color started to come into play. But I think black and white shows are still awesome classics. Sometimes color isn’t needed. So, I recommend that you try to find a way to watch a black and white film. Or any older show. Like I Love Lucy. Why you ask? You’ll see the difference in the shows back then, to the ones that we have now. I do like some shows that we have today, but I also really like the older shows because they were very entertaining. I’ve seen some mistakes that were made in them but it didn’t matter. The actors were good enough where they improvised on those mistakes. And honestly, it made it much more entertaining. Some of these shows performed their episodes in front of a live audience. So whatever happened, if it was a mistake or not, they just had to go with it. But, overall I think that everyone should at least watch one really good older show because it’s a really good difference of entertainment that is very enjoyable.

Everything started to improve in American culture, including music. Everyone knows what Rock and Roll is today, but not many people did back then. That was until a young truck driver started to get popular. That truck driver was Elvis Presley. Did you know he was a truck driver? I had no clue until now. But he was the man that made Rock and Roll much more popular. That’s why he is considered the “King of Rock and Roll” He soon became a sensation and everyone started to love him and his music. He is one of the most well-known musicians to this day. It’s amazing to see changes like this in music and what not because it just adds to our culture. Music is one of the things in history that is very interesting. Because from the beginning of music to now, there’s a big difference. So, it’s awesome to see things like that unfold in front of your eyes looking back in the past. Unfortunately though, Presley died in 1977 because of prescription drug abuse. But, he definitely left a legacy in this world because many people still listen to his amazing and entertaining music to this day.

Overall, the 50’s were definitely years of improvements and positivity for the United States because before that, they finally got their victory in World War II and before that they even went through the Great Depression in the 30’s. So this was definitely the time to recover and it resulted in the economy getting much better than before. The future was definitely looking much brighter for this country. Looking back at these different decades, it makes me think a lot about how else we are going to improve or fall in the years to come. What do you think the future of our culture will be like?

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