Thursday, September 10, 2015

Price Controls Are People Controls

Price controls are people controls. This is very true. There’s a price for everything. So why wouldn’t that take part in controlling people? The government can control the population with just the prices. Think about it. You go shopping for something almost every day. Whether it’s for clothing or just for food. So of course someone would want to control the prices because that’s what we rely on every day. The price of gas as well. You probably drive down the main street and look down at all of the prices of the nearby gas stations and you pick the cheapest one. Prices control our decisions. I was in the grocery store recently and I saw the classic Oreos. But next to them, was the store brand version of the cookies. So of course, since it’s not the name brand “Oreos” it’s going to be cheaper. Some people will go for that one if they’re worried about pricing, but others will go for the name brand. It depends on the person and what they want, the name brand, or a cheaper price. So to me, price controls are people controls because depending on the price of things, it’s going to control our decision on what we are going to be paying for.

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