Friday, February 14, 2014

My Successes and Failures Compared to the Crusader's Succcesses and Failures

A project that I have planned out has had some successes and failures along the way. I decided to make a YouTube channel about 1 year ago. I still am doing it today. Planning out how to set up my YouTube channel was a complete success because it kind of just happened before my eyes. For fun I decided to make some videos (this was before I started my YouTube channel). Then when my Mom saw them she thought that I should post them online for the public to see. I thought that was a great idea. So it didn’t take so long to figure out name for it because just like before...It just came to me. But during the posting of all the videos to this present day there are some successes and some failures.

When I first started my YouTube channel I just posted randomly whenever I wanted (that changed later on). I would plan out what I would do before each of my videos. Some of them I would get done with and say to myself that it wasn’t such a good video and so I decided to not post some. Sometimes I can be a little bit of a perfectionist and I could say that the video wasn’t so good when it probably was okay to post but I just didn’t think so. Some videos that I make I feel so good about it and I can’t wait to post it. So there are some ups and downs to making my videos.

I now do videos with a voiceover connected to it. That is just when I tape my video and not say anything during filming. After that I put the video in an editing program and tape my voice to go along with it. When I do voiceover to be honest, I don’t plan out any of it, but it still comes out great. Not planning it just works for me because I have an idea of what I want to say during the video and I just say it off the top of my head. But sometimes I do have to do it over and over because I do make some mistakes here and there.

Before, I mentioned that I decided to just randomly post my videos, but now I planned out that I want to post my videos every Thursday.  I think having a scheduled time is a great idea, but for the past few weeks I haven’t been posting every Thursday. So I do slack on that which is not a very good thing. That is one of my failures recently with my YouTube channel. But I am going to try to get back on track with that schedule soon.

When I compare my successes and failures to the crusader's successes and failures I think that it is very similar in a way. The crusaders had failures and successes all throughout every one of their battles. I have had successes and failures all throughout my journey with my YouTube channel.  Sometimes when you plan out things (like how maybe the crusaders planned out their battles) they don’t come out the way you expected them to or it did come out the way you expected it to, it’s all trial and error. You don’t know how something is going to work out unless you do try, its okay if you take a risk for your plan to come out as a failure but that just means you learned something coming out of it. You might have learned how you could have done something a bit different than you did with your original plan. So that’s how I compare my successes and my failures to the crusader's successes and failures.

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